These Logic Games hints can allow you to handle each Logic Game in under 7 minutes. Think it’s impossible? Think again!
1. Draw a diagram.
LSAT prep firms frequently say you want to draw a grid for every game, instead of an easy slot diagram. What’s a slot? I will briefly explain: it is a easy method to map the info in linear and mix games (games with a linear and category component). Grids are time consuming, but drawing slots for every letter (at a six person/thing match, it appears like: _ _ _ _ _ _ ) takes less time and space.
2. Use diagrams from preceding questions.
Maintain your diagrams out of the very first couple of questions of every game since they will frequently help save you time in subsequent questions. In case you haven’t discovered this yet, try something fresh. Draw another diagram for each “if” query near the response options for that query. Use the space in the bottom of the webpage to sketch your principal diagram, which should include your inferences from each of the principles. In the great majority of matches, at least a single previously-drawn diagram can allow you to resolve a later query in a special game. This permits you to get through the query without needing to draw a brand new scenario.
3. For many “If” queries, draw a diagram before you look at any response options.
If you have look at any given LSAT logic game, then you are probably going to find a query such as these: “If R is put in the next place, which among these must be true?” Or “If S is put last, it might be true that…” I tell my students to stop reading the query right after the first half of this sentence (in which the comma is) and also to instantly sketch what needs to be true. More frequently than not, this bare-bones sketch will direct you to the proper answer. As opposed to studying through the answer choices and trying each workout, you’ve effectively called the appropriate response, saving precious time.
4. Apply each principle, one-by-one, into the response options in the overall “acceptability” queries
Nearly all matches begin with a query like “Which among these is a suitable ordering / group / mission…” etc.. Four of those options will each have a scenario breaking one principle or another, although just one will be okay. There are two methods to attack those questions. The first is that the slow way – you may look at alternative “A” and see whether it follows all the roughly five principles of this game. If it does not, then proceed to alternative “B”, etc.. But this approach requires one to go back and forth between the principles and the options, costing you over a moment for what’s typically a match’s easiest query. The more efficient technique is to have an “assembly-line” approach for this query type. Just take the match’s very first rule and assess it from every response option. After (hopefully) removing a couple of options, take another rule and use it into the remaining answer choices.
5. When the chances in a match are restricted, map all of them out.
Occasionally a game’s rules interact in quite restricting manners. By way of instance, in Game 2 of PrepTest 37 (June 2002), that will be about putting seven trucks in a particular sequence, the chances for its initial few spaces become severely limited after putting another four trucks. Trucks X, Z, and U will be the only ones made to be put. Since Z has to return before U, the only choices are “X Y U”, “Z X U” or “Z U X”. Obviously, you can just map 1 potential, and if this does not work, begin another. But many students wind up trying one chance, then they get frustrated when it does not work, wasting precious time.
It is quicker to sketch out the “skeleton” or “needs to be true” facets of every potential and determine which of these might really work. I suggest listing each chance quickly and then moving through the match questions. The bottom line: do you kind of job at one time (diagramming every chance, then reading the answer options for each question). This may significantly reduce the quantity of time spent on every match.